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Fresh Five: Cleaning Up Your Consumables

Annie Hessler

Clean eating, responsible sourcing, sustainable, organic, toxins in foods

Written By Annie Hessler

Conscious consumerism is rising, and understanding how to source your consumables responsibly has never been more critical. Whether it's the fish on your plate, the meat and dairy you consume, the fruits and veggies you snack on, or even the cosmetics and personal care products you use daily, making informed choices can have a significant impact on your health, the environment, and even the economy. 

Here are five fresh facts to help you clean up your consumables:

1. Sustainable Seafood Choices: From Michigan Waters to Global Oceans

Making sustainable seafood choices is crucial for preserving marine ecosystems and safeguarding human health. In Michigan, resources like the Eat Safe Fish Guides from the Department of Health & Human Services offer valuable insights into safer fish options, considering factors like chemical contamination and bioaccumulation. Similarly, initiatives like Seafood Watch provide comprehensive guides and online tools to help consumers make responsible choices in Michigan, across the United States, and beyond.

2. Reducing Meat and Dairy for Environmental and Nutritional Adequacy

Research indicates that transitioning to less meat and dairy diets can have significant environmental benefits. However, it's essential to ensure that such dietary changes remain nutritionally adequate. Studies like those from Cambridge University Press highlight the importance of balancing environmental sustainability with meeting nutritional needs, offering insights into how dietary shifts can positively impact health and the planet.

3. Local Food Movements: Supporting Sustainability and Community

Embracing local food movements, such as those championed by organizations like the Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities in northern Michigan, can contribute to building more sustainable food systems. By supporting local farms, restaurants, and food establishments in your area, consumers reduce carbon footprints associated with transportation, foster community resilience, and promote healthier eating habits.

4. Ethical Sourcing in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products

The beauty industry is increasingly focusing on ethical, responsible, and sustainable ingredient sourcing. Companies are innovating to minimize environmental impact while delivering effective products, from utilizing renewable resources like sunflowers and olive oil to upcycling waste from food production for beauty ingredients. The folks over at BeautyMatter did a great job reviewing these issues, and we at Freshwater Wellness will continue to fact check and explore ingredient sourcing as part of our commitment to your health and our environment.

5. Regulatory Frameworks: Ensuring Safety and Compliance

Navigating the complex landscape of regulations and guidance surrounding consumables is essential for both consumers and industry stakeholders. Regulatory bodies like the FDA provide resources that offer valuable insights into food safety, cosmetics regulation, and industry compliance. Staying informed about laws, regulations, and guidance documents can empower consumers to make informed choices and hold companies accountable for the products they produce.

At the end of the day, cleaning up your consumables involves making conscious choices that prioritize health, sustainability, and ethical sourcing. Whether opting for sustainable seafood, reducing meat and dairy consumption, supporting local food initiatives, choosing ethically sourced cosmetics, or understanding regulatory frameworks, every decision counts towards a more responsible and resilient future. By staying informed and actively engaging in responsible consumption practices, we can all play a part in creating a healthier and more sustainable world.

As always, if you have questions or are interested in learning more about how you can clean up your consumables, you can call/text 231-492-0046 to schedule a meeting with Dr. Abigail, or you can book online



Drisdelle, C., Kestens, Y., Hamelin, A. M., & Mercille, G. (2020). Disparities in access to healthy diets: how food security and food shopping behaviors relate to fruit and vegetable intake. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 120(11), 1847-1858.

Seves, S. M., Verkaik-Kloosterman, J., Biesbroek, S., & Temme, E. H. (2017). Are more environmentally sustainable diets with less meat and dairy nutritionally adequate? Public Health Nutrition, 20(11), 2050–2062. doi:10.1017/S1368980017000763

Macdiarmid, J. I. (2014). Seasonality and dietary requirements: will eating seasonal food contribute to health and environmental sustainability? Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 73(3), 368–375. doi:10.1017/S0029665113003753

Takaro, T., Abi-Jaoude, A., Kiani, S., McKay, R., & Paxton, A. (2007). A Fork in the Road: The Impact of Eating Locally. [Project Abstract]. Faculty of Health Sciences, PPH 860. Retrieved from [insert URL if available]

Kobernick, M. (2024, January 24). New Book Highlights Sustainability in Northern Michigan’s Food Industry. Insert Name of the Website or Journal, [insert page numbers if applicable]. Retrieved from [insert URL if available]

Utroske, D. (n.d.). Ethical, responsible, sustainable: Top strategies for sourcing cosmetic and personal care ingredients. BeautyMatter. Retrieved from [insert URL if available]

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (n.d.). Choose fish and shellfish wisely. Retrieved from

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (n.d.). Metals and your food. Retrieved from

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (n.d.). Cosmetics guidance documents. Retrieved from

Michigan Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). Eat Safe Fish Guides. Retrieved from

Monterey Bay Aquarium. (n.d.). Seafood Watch. Retrieved from

Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy. (n.d.). Water quality monitoring reports. Retrieved from

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (n.d.). Fish and shellfish advisories and safe eating guidelines. Retrieved from

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (n.d.). Mercury levels in commercial fish and shellfish (1990-2012). Retrieved from

Agriculture & Rural Development. (n.d.). Buying Local - Approved Food Sources for Food Establishments. Retrieved from 


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